- Fraudulent business practices, such as shortchanging customers, are against the law. 商业的奸诈行为,比如少给顾客找头,是违法的。
- Fraudulent business practices, such as shortcharging customers, are against the law. 商业的奸诈行为,例如少给顾客找零,是违法的。
- Fraudulent business practices. 构成欺骗的交易行为
- Agreements are fundamental to business practices. 协议是商业活动的基本形式。
- Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices. 俚语,指生意上极具竞争力或冷酷无情的做法。
- That has made it harder to sort malign from benign business practices. 因此,恶性与良性的商业行为变得难以区分。
- Since the beginning of our organization, Rotarians discouraged deceptive business practices and restored public trust. 自本组织创立以来,扶轮社员便努力遏止欺骗的商业行为,恢复大众的信赖。
- They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market. 他们采取了一些极为可疑的商业手段才取得目前在市场上的地位。
- We're talking about business practice as opposed to theory. 我们在谈论经营的实践,而不是理论。
- This is a book about business practice as apposed to theory . 这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。
- Last year, even as defaults rose, the company was slow to recognize that it needed to change its business practices and lend more conservatively. 去年,随着拖欠还贷者增加,公司承认他们需要改变经营方式,发放贷款需要更加谨慎。
- In many cases, commercial bribery, to the civilized world we recognize as the traditional business practices. 在很多情况下,商业上的行贿,为我们文明世界各方面承认为商业经营的传统作法。
- Be honest and insist on honesty from others. Denounce all forms of unscrupulous business practices. 坚持以诚信作为工作和行为的基础。谴责任何形式的不道德商业行为和做法。
- A direct result of the economic shake-up is the emergence of new business practices and norms. 随经济转型而来的是新的营商方法及标准。
- Many Chinese companies are vigorously using ethics to guide their business practices. 很多中国企业努力地运用伦理学来引导它们的生意。
- This insight has far-reaching consequences for business ethics, which investigates fraud, malpractice, and the range of corrupt business practices. 这种洞悉对经济伦理学具有深远的影响,经济伦理学研究欺诈、渎职和经济实践中腐败的程度。
- In Plano, TX, modern business practices are juxtaposed against early American entrepreneurs. 全书对此观点作了细致精辟的分析和论述。
- The mediator must know a lot about law and how courts work. It is not enough that the mediator knows about integrity and common sense and usual business practices. 调解方必须多掌握法律知识和法庭是如何运作的。调解人员仅仅了解诚信、常识和通常的商业实践是不够的。
- Recognize that some business practices, laws and the culture are different in China. 意识到中国的一些贸易惯例、法律和文化是不同的。
- Responsible business practice is not just about complying with the law. 有责任的业务活动不仅仅事关遵守法律。